Towards a Green, Sustainable and Inclusive Recovery for the Civil Aviation Sector

Report for the Technical Meeting on a Green, Sustainable and Inclusive Economic Recovery for the Civil Aviation Sector (Geneva, 24-28 April 2023)

This report is published under the authority of the International Labour Office. It has been prepared as the basis for discussions at the Technical meeting on a green, sustainable and inclusive economic recovery for the civil aviation sector to be held from 24 to 28 April 2023 in Geneva. This report focuses, in particular, on those occupations contributing to the provision of civil aviation services in respect of passengers and cargo. As per the International Labour Organization’s grouping of sectors, it excludes the study of working conditions in occupations related to aviation manufacturing.

Part 1 reviews trends and developments in the civil aviation sector. It highlights relevant international issues and governance frameworks, and includes sections on industry composition, structure, employment and travel trends.

Part 2 includes information relevant to shaping the recovery of the aviation sector beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding the cyclicality of the sector, coupled with the aspirational goals in terms of climate change, constitutes an important step towards building resilience and identifying the opportunities to shape recovery.

Parts 1 and 2 provide the background and context for Part 3, which discusses labour aspects and practices that need to be adopted (or tackled) when considering the medium- and long-term social and economic sustainability of the sector.

The report is structured around the four pillars of the Decent Work Agenda, employment creation, social protection, international labour standards and fundamental principles and rights at work, and social dialogue.