
The ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team for South Asia and Country Office for India (DWT/CO-New Delhi) operates a wide range of programmes and projects in the sub-region focusing on relief and development challenges. Details of each programme and project can be found below.


  1. Gender Equality in the World of Work

    1 January - 30 September 2010

    This Norwegian funded project aims to achieve, amongst other means: strengthening systems for providing sex-disaggregated data in areas related to discrimination, labour market participation rates, childcare and dependant care provision, mapping policy options to help promote formalization of women workers in the informal economy, supporting efforts for more effective policy development for specific vulnerable groups of women, e.g. indigenous women, and sharing tools and lessons from the five target countries through ILO’s Global Gender Network.


  1. Microfinance for Decent Work Action Research - Asia

    How can microfinance institutions (MFIs) help improve working conditions? How can they contribute to job creation? And how can MFIs help reduce child labour? Should MFIs have an interest in addressing these and other decent work issues? These are some of the questions that the ILO intends to address through an experimental global action research programme (2008-2011) in partnership with microfinance Institutions interested in promoting decent work.

  2. ILO-INTUC Pilot Project on “Decent Work for Domestic Workers: Organizing, Skills Upgradation and Advocacy

    1 May 2009 - 30 April 2010

    A demonstration programme for improving the working and living conditions of domestic workers on a sustainable basis, as well as enhancing capacities in project areas through organizing, skill upgradation and training and advocacy; and to strengthen the capacities of implementing partner unions by organizing unorganized domestic workers as well as networking with various stakeholders.

  3. Subregional Programme on Quality and Decent Work Promotion for Women in South Asia through Prevention of Human Trafficking, Skills Development of Domestic Workers and Gender Capacity Building

    1 January 2009 - 30 June 2010

    To prevent labour exploitation and crimes of human trafficking through a rights-based approach; to eliminate abuse and promote decent work for this largely female, uneducated and disadvantaged labour force; and to contribute to the establishment of effective equal employment opportunity mechanisms between ILO constituents and women’s machineries to provide decent work to women and their families in poverty.

  4. Green Jobs in India

    1 January 2009 - 30 June 2010

    Demonstrates the use of renewable energy as a viable approach and a policy instrument for clean local development and poverty reduction through the creation of direct green jobs and of induced decent work opportunities in small enterprises.


  1. Converging Against Child Labour: Support for India’s Model

    30 September 2008 - 31 March 2013

    The project aims at supporting constituents to strengthen an enabling environment and establish convergence-based models for the prevention and elimination of child labour. The project action is mainly at the district level, with work on policy, knowledge enhancement and dissemination, and replication at the state and national levels.

  2. Reducing Vulnerability to Bondage in India through Promotion of Decent Work

    1 July 2008 - 30 April 2010

    ILO has been working since 2002 in India, as part of the sub-regional project to address family indebtedness and "Promoting the Prevention and Elimination of Bonded Labour in South Asia". In 2007, Ministry of Labour and Employment invited the ILO to present a new concept note for a next phase of programme implementation, building on the lessons learned through PEBLISA and upscaling the interventions in selected districts in the states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa.

  3. ILO/MOLE Programme on Operationalization of Skills Development Initiative in Selected Clusters in India: Brassware (Moradabad, U.P.); Glassware (Firozabad, U.P.) and Domestic Work (Delhi/NOIDA)

    1 January 2008 - 31 December 2011

    The main objectives of this collaborative programme are to contribute to improving productivity and competitiveness of the cluster by overcoming skills gaps and skills mismatch; improve the mobility, career prospects and employability of workers through skills acquisition, upgrading and/or certification and contribute to the operationalization of GOI’s Skills Development Initiative on a national scale.


  1. ILO-ITUC-ICTU Programme for Skills Development and Training in India - Phase II

    1 January 2007 - 30 June 2009

    To help tsunami-affected people rebuild their livelihoods through skills development and vocational training; build the capacity of the implementing partners; and organize the unorganized in the project areas.

  2. Organizing and Empowering Women Workers in the Informal Economy

    1 January 2007 - 30 April 2010

    A project on organizing informal economy workers through a rights-based approach towards economic empowerment.