Guyana and Trinidad & Tobago: Capacity Building for Green Jobs Promotion

ILO support in both countries has focused on capacity development.

In Trinidad and Tobago, a workshop on “Developing Policies and Programmes to promote green jobs and green enterprises in Trinidad and Tobago”, held 7-9 May 2012 in Port of Spain was a response to the capacity building needs identified by the Ministry of Labour and Small and Micro Enterprise Development (MOLSMED) in the field of green jobs promotion. The ILO provided technical support to this workshop which helped increase understanding of how the creation of green jobs can play a crucial role in protecting the environment while supporting the country’s economic development. With participants from various Government ministries, state agencies, and employers’ and workers’ organizations attending, it allowed to share policies and programmes being undertaken and enabled participants to discuss how to promote green job strategies at national and local level.

Since the Green Jobs Workshop in Trinidad and Tobago in 2012, the MOLSMED has drafted a Green Enterprises policy for Micro and Small Enterprises which is expected to be laid in the Cabinet of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago soon.

Similarly, the ILO offered technical support to a workshop on “Developing Policies and Programmes to Promote the Green Economy and Green Jobs in Guyana” held 10-13 June 2013 in Georgetown. Likewise, it offered the opportunity to address the importance of green jobs as an essential pillar of the transition to a green economy and critical to the Low Carbon Development Strategy of Guyana.