Books and reports

January 1991

  1. Publication

    International standard classification of occupations - (ISCO-88). 1988 edition

    08 January 1991

December 1990

  1. Publication

    Urban labour market structure and job access in India: A study of Coimbatore (RS 92)

    03 December 1990

    This study develops and applies new approaches to the analysis of labour market structure and segmentation which stress differences in labour status and in patterns of job access in a small survey of a south Indian city, showing how they help to analyse labour market inequality, labour supply, mobility and poverty.

September 1990

  1. Publication

    Teachers and international labour standards. A handbook

    21 September 1990

    Offers a basic guide to international legal texts of relevance to the teaching profession, and is primarily intended for teachers and their organizations, policy-makers, planners and administrators in education, and private educational employers. Designed as a reference work to help in the formulation of policy and the implementation of standards.

July 1990

  1. Publication

    Small-scale brickmaking (TM 6)

    19 July 1990

    Technical memorandum on brick manufacturing at small scale industry level in developing countries - presents a comparison of bricks and other building materials used for the construction of low- cost housing; describes types of raw material, quarrying techniques, clay preparation, shaping, drying and firing; covers technical aspects and means of production; includes a glossary, and a directory of equipment suppliers and relevant information sources.

March 1990

  1. Publication

    Yearbook of labour statistics, retrospective edition, 1945-89 (Hardcopy)

    14 March 1990

November 1989

  1. Publication

    Flexibility and labour markets in Canada and the United States (RS 94)

    24 November 1989

    This collection of papers explores flexibility issues within the institutional framework of North American labour markets. It brings together views from academic, trade union, employers and government and contrasts the experiences in Canada and the United States, and in North America and Europe.

October 1989

  1. Publication

    Precarious jobs labour market regulation: Employment in Western Europe (Hard cover)

    13 October 1989

April 1989

  1. Publication

    Flexibility rigidity in labour market in Hungary (RS 90)

    07 April 1989

    This is a collection of essays by Hungarian scholars which examines recent developments in the Hungarian labour market including trends in labour market and employment policy and their consequences, and more detailed analyses of job search and labour mobility. It will interest those concerned with economic reform and its effects on labour and employment.

March 1989

  1. Publication

    Unpaid work in the household. A review of economic methods (WWD 1)

    03 March 1989

    Monograph on methodology used in the economic evaluation of unpaid work in the household in developed countries - discusses measurement problems, input-based and out-based methods for the assessment of tasks carried out by homemakers and other members of the household, etc., and includes a critical literature survey of similar evaluations.

September 1988

  1. Publication

    Economic and social effects of multinational enterprises in export processing zones

    13 September 1988

    The research confronts a number of widely held assumptions with the available facts and figures, and points to the possible evolution of export processing zones (EPZs) in the economies of newly industrializing countries. It envisages the emergence of the export processing country and a more open and competitive approach to industrial development.