Impact and people


  1. Fixing the future of Mali's child workers

    07 June 2010

    In Mali, approximately two out of three children aged 5 to 17 work. This represents over 3 million children. Few of them go to school and 40 per cent of children aged 5 to 14 perform hazardous tasks. The situation of migrant girls is of particular concern. ILO Online reports.

  2. Eliminating child labour in Bolivia: The role of education

    07 June 2010

    Education is often cited as the key to eliminating child labour. But by itself, education isn’t enough. ILO Online reports from Bolivia showing how adding decent work for adults to education of children, together, with a quotient of political will, can make the equation work.

  3. China’s vocational schools play a key role in reaching prospective young migrant workers

    04 June 2010

  4. Empowering women living with HIV in Ethiopia

    04 June 2010

  5. Building capacity in Guyana's trade unions

    04 June 2010

  6. Indian companies reach out to suppliers

    04 June 2010

  7. Feature stories on HIV/AIDS and the world of work

    02 June 2010

  8. Questions and Answers on the proposed Recommendation on HIV/AIDS and the world of work

    02 June 2010

    The year’s International Labour Conference will see the second, and final discussion on the development of a labour standard on HIV/AIDS and the world of work. If adopted, the recommendation will be the first international human rights instrument on AIDS in the workplace. ILO Online spoke to ILO/AIDS Director, Dr. Sophia Kisting about the Recommendation.

  9. Decent work for domestic workers: towards new international labour standards

    31 May 2010

    Domestic work employs millions of workers, mostly women, around the world. The June 2010 session of the International Labour Conference will hold a first discussion on a new international labour standard for a domestic workforce that is growing worldwide. ILO Online spoke with Manuela Tomei, Director of the ILO’s Conditions of Work and Employment Programme, about working conditions of domestic workers, and how they can be improved.

  10. The State of Child Labour Today

    07 May 2010

    In 2006, the ILO’s second Global Report on Child Labour showed that significant progress was being made in the fight against child labour . Encouraged by the positive trend, the ILO established a visionary target – to eliminate child labour in its worst forms by 2016. Four years on, the third Global Report paints a different picture: child labour continues to decline, albeit at a slower pace. The report warns that if countries carry on with business as usual the 2016 target will not be met. ILO Online spoke to Constance Thomas, Director of the ILO International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC), about the state of child labour today.