All ILO Newsroom content

May 2006

  1. News

    Dutch government supports Decent Work Country Programmes

    30 May 2006

    The Government of the Netherlands will provide 38.5 million dollars to support the launch of the ILO Decent Work Country Programme strategy over the next four years.

  2. Article

    95th session of the International Labour Conference, 2006
    Singapore: Charting a new roadmap for safer workplaces

    29 May 2006

    The Conference Committee on Safety and Health will consider a promotional framework for occupational safety and health (OSH), including a Convention supplemented by a Recommendation. The proposed instruments would support placing occupational safety and health high at national agendas, and promote safer and healthier working environments worldwide.

  3. Video

    Indonesian Domestic Workers

    15 May 2006

    Every year nearly 400,000 domestic workers leave Indonesia to work abroad. For most the experience is positive, allowing them to earn many times what they would earn at home. Hidden from public view in private homes however, domestic workers can be targets of exploitation and abuse as ILO TV reports.

  4. Video

    Bolivia: Tropic of Chapare

    05 May 2006

    Training young people to become entrepreneurs is proving to be a strong weapon in the fight against drug trafficking in Chapare Province in central Bolivia. (in Spanish)

  5. Article

    Child labour in Africa: Plucking the Green Gold of Tooro

    04 May 2006

    The new ILO report "The end of child labour: Within reach" paints a mixed picture of child labour worldwide. While the global total of child labourers is on the decline, there remain some 50 million working children in sub-Saharan Africa. But the unprecedented international movement to end child labour is opening a window of opportunity for Africa's fight against the practice. ILO Online reports from a tea plantation in Uganda.

  6. Article

    Child labour in Asia: The story of Thao

    04 May 2006

    Asia and the Pacific registered declines both in the child population and in the number of economically active children, but only a very small decrease in activity rates, according to the ILO's new Global Report "The end of child labour: Within reach". The ILO estimates that this region has the largest number of child workers in the 5-14 age group - some 122 million, with 62 million engaged in work that is considered hazardous. ILO Online reports from the Indonesian capital Jakarta.

  7. Article

    Child labour in Latin America: The accident that changed Braulio's life

    04 May 2006

    According to the new ILO Global Report "The end of child labour: Within reach", Latin America and the Caribbean have seen a rapid decline in child labour over the past four years. The number of children at work in the region has fallen by two-thirds, with just 5 per cent of children now engaged in work. ILO Online reports from Peru where the ILO works towards the progressive elimination of child labour in artisanal mines.

  8. Article

    Regional Meeting for the Americas 2-5 May: Extending social security in Latin America and the Caribbean

    03 May 2006

    The main problem with social security systems in Latin America and the Caribbean is their limited coverage in terms of the number of workers and family members protected, the range of risks covered and the quality of protection. In some countries, coverage has decreased even further over the past 15 years, according to the report prepared for the ILO Regional Meeting for the Americas. The report sets a global target for governments and the social partners to increase social protection by 20 per cent of the region's total population between 2006 and 2015. ILO Online spoke with Michael Cichon, head of the ILO's Social Security Department.

  9. Article

    Regional Meeting for the Americas 2-5 May: Youth employment in Latin America: Overcoming a lost decade

    03 May 2006

    In Latin America, 9.5 million young people out of 57 million aged 15-24 are unemployed. Victims of the "lost decade", they were born between 1980 and 1990 and represent 42 per cent of open unemployment in the region. According to the report prepared for the ILO Regional Meeting for the Americas, the situation is even worse if we take account of the 21 per cent of youth in the region who "do not work nor study". And millions of youth are trapped in temporary and casual jobs that offer no labour or social protection and few prospects for advancement. ILO Online reports from Bolivia.

  10. Article

    Regional Meeting for the Americas 2-5 May - Forced labour in Latin America: Fighting impunity

    02 May 2006

    In Latin America, 1.3 million people are victims of forced labour, representing more than 10 per cent of forced labourers worldwide. According to the report prepared for the ILO Regional Meeting for the Americas, despite this high number it is possible to drastically reduce forced labour over the next 10 years if there is a will to do so. ILO Online reports from Brazil.