Decision on the 13th item on the agenda: Report of the Committee on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards

Record of decisions |

First part: Legal issues

I. Standing Orders of the International Labour Conference: Evaluation of interim provisions concerning the verification of credentials

The Governing Body:

(a) invited the Conference, at its 97th Session (2008), to approve amendments of the Standing Orders of the Conference by including the text contained in Appendix I to the report as an integral part of the Conference Standing Orders, taking into account a possible need to renumber the provisions;

(b) called upon the Office to continue to add entries to the database on the verification of credentials, as permitted by resources made available for this purpose;

(c) requested the Office to prepare a document for the November 2008 session of the Governing Body addressing both legal and practical means by which the representation of Employers and Workers at the International Labour Conference could be facilitated, in particular focusing on the discrepancy between accredited and registered delegates.

(GB.300/13, paragraph 12.)

II. The campaign for the ratification of the 1997 Instrument of Amendment to the ILO Constitution

The Governing Body:

(a) called on all governments that have not yet ratified or accepted the 1997 Instrument of Amendment to the ILO Constitution to do so without delay;

(b) requested the Director-General to instruct the Office to redouble its efforts to encourage ratification or acceptance, in particular by:

  • (i) encouraging systematic inclusion of the question of ratification or acceptance of the 1997 constitutional amendment in consultations with the governments, employers and workers in the countries concerned;
  • (ii) organizing a brief special event at the 97th Session of the International Labour Conference (2008), financed out of approved resources, at which countries can deposit their instruments of ratification or acceptance of the 1997 constitutional amendment, and their instruments of ratification of any international labour Convention with the Director-General, and at which all countries having ratified or accepted the 1997 constitutional amendment can be publicly recognized;
  • (iii) taking other appropriate initiatives to achieve the goal of entry into force of the instrument in the nearest possible future.

(GB.300/13, paragraph 28.)

III. The status of privileges and immunities of the International Labour Organization in member States

The Governing Body took note of this part of the report. (GB.300/13, paragraph 29.)

IV. Composition of the Governing Body: Criteria for geographical and country representation within the Governing Body

The Governing Body took note of this part of the report. (GB.300/13, paragraphs 30–41.)

Second part: International labour standards and human rights

V. Improvements in the standards-related activities of the ILO: Possible approaches and an interim plan of action to enhance the impact of the standards system

The Governing Body:

(a) approved the elements of the interim plan of action to enhance the impact of the standards system contained in paragraph 80 of the document GB.300/LILS/6, taking into account the comments made during the discussion in the Committee; and

(b) invited the Office to submit a paper at its next session on the specific issues agreed upon with a view to following the progress made in the implementation of the strategy.

(GB.300/13, paragraph 95.)

VI. Ratification and promotion of fundamental ILO Conventions

The Governing Body took note of this part of the report. (GB.300/13, paragraphs 96–102.)

VII. Requests for reports on the application of the Seafarers’ Identity Documents Convention (Revised), 2003 (No. 185), under article 22 of the Constitution

The Governing Body decided that:

(a) the Members from which reports on the application of Convention No. 185 have been requested, in accordance with article 22 of the Constitution, be informed that they may postpone the submission of their report; and

(b) no further reports on the application of Convention No. 185 should be requested until the year 2009.

The Governing Body also decided to take this opportunity to call upon member States that have not so far ratified Convention No. 185 to renew their efforts to move towards the ratification of the Convention, and to ratify it as soon as they are in a position to do so. (GB.300/13, paragraphs 108–109.)

VIII. Form for reports on the application of ratified Conventions (article 22 of the Constitution): The Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. 187)

The Governing Body adopted the amended report form on the application of ratified Conventions (article 22 of the Constitution): the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. 187), as reproduced in Appendix III of the report. (GB.300/13, paragraph 115.)

IX. Project on economic dynamics of international labour standards

The Governing Body invited the Office to take the necessary action for the continuation of research taking into account suggestions in paragraph 15 of the document GB.300/LILS/10 and the comments made during the discussion. (GB.300/13, paragraph 140.)

X. Other questions

Provisional agenda of the next session of the Committee on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards

The Governing Body took note of this part of the report. (GB.300/13, paragraph 141.)