
Decision concerning the report on developments relating to the resolution concerning the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine from the perspective of the mandate of the International Labour Organization

Record of decisions | 22 March 2023
In the light of the developments in Ukraine outlined in document GB.347/INS/16 and the resolution on the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine from the perspective of the mandate of the International Labour Organization (ILO) adopted at its 344th Session (March 2022), taking into account the discussions held and the guidance provided during its 347th Session, the Governing Body:

(a) noted the information provided in the document;

(b) reiterated its most profound concern at the continuing aggression by the Russian Federation, aided by the Belarusian Government, against Ukraine and at the impact this aggression is causing to tripartite constituents – workers, employers and its democratically elected Government – in Ukraine, and to the world of work beyond Ukraine;

(c) urged the Russian Federation again to immediately and unconditionally cease its aggression and withdraw its troops from Ukraine;

(d) urged once again the Russian Federation to meet all the obligations following from its ratification of ILO Conventions, including the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006), in particular in relation to the repatriation of seafarers and access to medical care; the Radiation Protection Convention, 1960 (No. 115), in relation to the exposure of workers to ionizing radiations in the course of their work; and the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29) and its accompanying Protocol of 2014;

(e) reiterated its unwavering support for the tripartite constituents in Ukraine, requested the Director-General to continue responding to constituents’ needs in Ukraine and to expand the ILO’s resource mobilization efforts, including in forthcoming international donor conferences on recovery and reconstruction, and welcomed the detailed plan for reinforcing the ILO’s presence in Ukraine;

(f) further requested the Director-General to enhance resource mobilization efforts for other affected countries across the subregion of Eastern Europe and Central Asia;

(g) requested that the Director-General continue monitoring the impact on the world of work of the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine and report to the Governing Body at its 348th Session (June 2023) on developments in the light of the resolution, including the ILO’s continued engagement with relevant UN bodies involved in monitoring human rights violations, and the situation of maritime and nuclear workers.

(GB.347/INS/16, paragraph 41, as amended by the Governing Body)