GB.344/POL/2(Rev.1)/Decision and related comments

Decision concerning the sectoral meetings held in 2021 and proposals for sectoral work in 2022–23

Record of decisions | 14 March 2022
The Governing Body:

(a) approved the records of proceedings of the four meetings referred to in section I of document GB.344/POL/2(Rev.1) and authorized the Director-General to publish them;

(b) requested the Director-General to bear in mind, when drawing up proposals for future work, the recommendations for future action by the ILO made by the technical meetings on urban transport services and on aquaculture;

(c) decided to forward the report of the 14th Session of the Joint ILO–UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendations concerning Teaching Personnel (CEART), along with any observations made by the Governing Body, to the International Labour Conference at its 110th Session (2022) for examination in the first instance by the Committee on the Application of Standards;

(d) authorized the Director-General to publish the code of practice on safety and health in textiles, clothing, leather and footwear;

(e) endorsed the proposals contained in Appendix I to document GB.344/POL/2(Rev.1) relating to the dates, duration, official title, purpose and composition of the meetings listed therein;

(f) agreed to notify the Office of the appointment and election of the Chairperson and three Vice-Chairpersons one month prior to each meeting; and (g) approved the revised terms of reference of the Joint FAO/ILO/IMO Ad Hoc Working Group on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing and Related Matters contained in Appendix III of document GB.344/POL/2(Rev.1)

(GB.344/POL/2(Rev.1), paragraph 26)

Comments received during the consideration of the item by correspondence

Compilation of all comments received