
Decision concerning the dissolution of the Voluntary Thrift Benefit Fund for ILO staff members

Record of decisions | 21 May 2021

The Governing Body

(a) approved the dissolution of the Voluntary Thrift Benefit Fund for ILO staff members in accordance with Article 8 of the Statute of the Fund;

(b) noted the modalities for the distribution of the assets of the Fund as set out in document GB.341bis/PFA/2;

(c) and decided to transmit the following draft resolution to the International Labour Conference at its 109th Session (2021) for possible adoption:

The General Conference of the International Labour Organization, meeting at its 109th Session, 2021,

Recalling its resolution concerning the establishment of a Voluntary Thrift Benefit Fund for ILO officials, adopted at its 78th Session, 1991, in which it decided that the interest earned on the Terminal Benefits Fund beginning with the year 1991 and up to a total amount of US$4,875,000 would be paid into the Voluntary Thrift Benefit Fund, established to provide a capital sum to officials upon retirement,

Noting that the Governing Body of the International Labour Office has approved the dissolution of the Voluntary Thrift Benefit Fund, in accordance with Article 8 of the Statute of that Fund,

Noting the modalities for the distribution of the Fund’s assets decided by the Director-General,
Decides that the remaining funds in Plan B of the Fund (amounting to CHF2,533,571 as at 18 March 2021), which will be returned to the Office after having covered all expenses and charges related to the dissolution process, shall be credited, notwithstanding article 11 of the Financial Regulations, to the Terminal Benefits Fund.

(GB.341bis/PFA/2, paragraph 16)