GB.340/INS/7 (Rev.1)

Mid-term report on the implementation of the ILO Action Plan for Gender Equality 2018–21

This document sets out the action taken based on the three-point decision adopted in March 2018 by the 332nd Session of the Governing Body concerning the ILO Action Plan for Gender Equality 2018–21. It recounts how the Action Plan was finalized and implemented, summarizes the results of monitoring at midpoint of implementation, and provides details about the Governing Body’s request that the Director-General take into consideration its guidance in pursuing the ILO’s mandate to promote gender equality in implementing the ILO Strategic Plan 2018–21 and the two corresponding programme and budgets, and in facilitating extrabudgetary resources. Guidance is sought at this stocktaking milestone on implementing the 2020–21 phase of the Action Plan, and the proposed approach of the subsequent Action Plan, taking into account the United Nations reform (see the draft decision in paragraph 27). Note: The consideration of this item was deferred from the 338th Session (March 2020) of the Governing Body. The content of the document is the same as GB.338/INS/7. In version "Rev.1" of 15 October 2020, the draft decision has been corrected.