Evaluation reports


  1. Poverty Reduction among Unprotected Informal Economy Workers through Trade Union – Cooperative Joint Action (Final Evaluation Summary)

    01 December 2005

    Project RAF/04/52/NET

  2. Strengthening African trade unions’ capacity to address gender inequality in the world of work through basic education and legal literacy (Final Evaluation Summary)

    01 December 2005

    Project RAF/04/55/NET

  3. Promoting Gender Equality and Decent Work throughout all stages of life (Final Evaluation Summary)

    01 December 2005

    Project RAF/04/54/NET

  4. National programme for the elimination of child labour in Jordan (Mid Term Evaluation Summary)

    10 November 2005

    Project JOR/02/50/USA

  5. External review of the ILO's implementation of strategic budgeting in a results-based management framework

    01 November 2005

  6. Fighting the worst forms of child labour in Costa Rica: Support to the Time Bound Programme (Final Evaluation Summary)

    01 November 2005

    Projects COS/02/50/CAN COS/03/03/CAN

  7. Mobilizing Action on the Protection of Domestic Workers from Forced Labour and Trafficking (Mid Term Evaluation Summary)

    14 October 2005

    Project RAS/03/52/UKM

  8. Prevention and gradual eradication of child labour in fireworks production in Guatemala, Phase II(Final Evaluation Summary)

    05 October 2005

    Project GUA/03/50/USA

  9. USDOL-ILO Management & Labor cooperation project “PROMALCO”: For the promotion of human resource-oriented enterprise strategies and workplace partnerships in the Caribbean (Final Evaluation Summary)

    01 October 2005

    Projects RLA/02/57/USA RLA/00/52/USA

  10. The improvement of labour relations and the promotion of Women's economic equality in Colombia project (Final Evaluation Summary)

    01 October 2005

    Project COL/01/51/USA

  11. Supporting the Time Bound National Policy and Programme for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Turkey (2004-2006) (Mid-term Evaluation Summary)

    01 October 2005

    Project TUR/03/50/USA

  12. Strengthening the Social Partners Capacity for Promotion of Social Dialogue in Jordan (Mid-term Evaluation Summary)

    01 October 2005

    Project JOR/01/50/USA

  13. Project of support for the implementation of a Time Bound Programme (TBP) in Senegal (Mid-term Evaluation Summary)

    01 October 2005

    Project SEN/03/50/USA

  14. Progressive Eradication of Child Labor in the Commercial Agriculture Sector in Central America and the Dominican Republic (Final Evaluation Summary)

    01 October 2005

    Project: RLA/00/54/USA

  15. Activating Media in Combating Child Labour in Pakistan – Phase II (Final Evaluation Summary)

    20 September 2005

    Project: PAK/01/02/NAD, PAK/06/02/NOR - Consultants: Qindeel Shujaat & Anne Beathe Jensen

  16. Combating the Worst forms of Child Labour in Ecuador - Support to the Time Bound Programme on the worst forms of child labour in Ecuador (Mid Term Evaluation Summary)

    08 September 2005

    Project ECU/03/50/USA

  17. Sustainable elimination of bonded labour in Nepal (Phase I) (Final Evaluation Summary)

    06 September 2005

    Project NEP/00/51/USA

  18. Action Programme against Forced Labour and Trafficking in West Africa (ILO-PATWA) (Mid-term Evaluation Summary)

    01 September 2005

    Project RAF/03/54/UKM

  19. Combating Child Trafficking for Labour and Sexual Exploitation (Midterm Evaluation Summary)

    01 September 2005

    Project: RAS/02/51/USA Evaluation Consultant: Dr. Christopher Hermann

  20. Measuring long term impact on children and families through tracking/tracer methodologies (Final Evaluation Summary)

    01 September 2005

    Project: INT/02/78/USA Evaluation Consultant: Burt Perrin