Capacity building workshop on child labour - Trinidad and Tobago

Communication with children at risk of/ in situations of child labour

The workshop will cater for up to 35 officials from the Mol Labour Inspectorate Unit, OSHA, Counter Trafficking Unit (CTU) and Children’s Authority.


This workshop, organized with the collaboration of the Ministry of Labour and the Children’s Authority, forms part of ongoing ILO technical support, through the Caribbean Office and the Regional Initiative  Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child labour, to build the capacity of national officials to implement a strategic compliance approach to labour inspections in Trinidad and Tobago and in particular with focus on child labour.

The specific objective:

To sensitize and equip participants from key Ministries and agencies involved in the prevention and elimination of child labour (Ministry of Labour, Occupational Safety and Health Authority and Agency (OSHA), Counter Trafficking Unit (CTU) and Children’s Authority (CA) with information and practical knowledge on the psycho-social and legal considerations involved in communicating with children and teenagers, who may be suspected or actual victims of child labour or its worst forms.