Areas of work

The main goal of DWT/CO–Budapest is to promote decent work for Central and Eastern Europe.

The activities of the Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Office for Central and Eastern Europe are tightly organized around ILO’s four strategic objectives and the Decent Work agenda.
  • We encourage countries to ratify and implement international labour standards, especially core standards embodied in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
  • Employment promotion is a special challenge in Central and Eastern Europe, where the processes of globalization coincide with the transformation to a market economy.
  • We provide technical support to create greater opportunities for women and men to secure decent employment and income. DWT/CO–Budapest acts to improve social protection, including social security schemes and capacities to meet international occupational safety and health standards.
  • The participation of workers’ and employers’ representatives in shaping policies through social dialogue is critical for achieving social justice and economic development in Central and Eastern Europe.
The impact of transition has affected men and women differently. Equality at work, equal opportunities for men and women in the labour market and equal access to social protection are fundamental.