Creating decent job opportunities through applying Employment Intensive Approaches at Cultural Heritage Conservation activities

The project aims to safeguard and rehabilitate cultural heritage sites in northern Jordan, through applying Employment Intensive Approaches in heritage sites rehabilitation activities, including clearance, maintenance, consolidation, site development and presentation. Jobs created through this project target both Syrian refugees and Jordanians in the host communities.


The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nation Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) core competencies have come together to implement a project which supports the creation of economic opportunities and dignified, sustainable livelihoods for Jordanians in host communities and Syrian refugees through cultural heritage activities. This is being achieved by engaging both Syrians and Jordanians in the preservation and development of cultural heritage sites for tourism purposes in the northern governorate of Jordan, through the use of Employment Intensive schemes.

The project’s activities are in line with the Jordanian government actions on livelihoods, which on the one hand target immediate, short-term measures that promote human dignity and social cohesion in preparation for long-term economic opportunities; and on the other focus on longer-term, sustainable decent work opportunities and entrepreneurial activities within an enabling policy environment.
The project is also aligned with the strategies of national and local authorities aimed at revitalizing cultural heritage sites in the country for product diversification and tourism promotion, while also capitalizing on the physical and natural assets of the country to support improved short and long-term livelihoods opportunities for Jordanians and Syrians.

The overall objective of this project is to support the creation of economic opportunities and dignified, sustainable livelihoods for Syrian refugees, and Jordanian in the cultural heritage sector, through:
- The creation of short-term employment opportunities through “custom tailored” application of Employment Intensive schemes and Vocational Training in Cultural Resources Management for the safeguarding and development of cultural heritage sites in northern Jordan;
– An enabling environment for a sustainable medium to long-term framework for entrepreneurial activities in the cultural heritage sector.

• Establishing a technical committee represented by relevant national institutions and archaeological/academic missions working on targeted sites, to oversee the programme’s implementation and compliance with Cultural Resources Management (CRM) standards and Employment Intensive techniques;
• Designing and implementing a Site Maintenance and Tourism Development Plan (SMTDP) through the use of Employment Intensive methods engaging Syrian and Jordanian labour, including on-the-job vocational training in CRM;
• Designing and implementing a baseline assessment, inclusive of gender analysis, and awareness-raising campaigns to promote women’s involvement in CRM works;
• Designing, organizing and delivering preparatory trainings to integrate CRM and EI standards at the implementation of the Development Plan (SMTDP). The trainings shall target the entities involved in the implementation of project;
• Conducting a feasibility study on the viability to create Public-Private Partnerships in CRM, based on the project’s outputs and the development of a tailor-made framework between the Department of Antiquities, the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, and the Private/Third Sector;
• Developing and applying certification mechanism for the workers and technicians on CRM and Employment Intensive;
• Promoting rehabilitated sites as domestic and international tourism destinations in north Jordan, complementing standard tourism routes, through national and regional media and competent tourism institution; and
• Preparing a publication of case studies that reflect the strategic approach on the creation of decent jobs opportunities through Employment Intensive techniques in the CRM sector, for the possible replication of the methodology in other future interventions.