Support Resilient Livelihoods and Food Security in Yemen (ERRY II)

The following project builds on the achievements of the recently completed Enhanced Rural Resilience in Yemen (ERRY) programme, implemented by the UNDP, ILO, WFP, and FAO. The project seeks to contribute to reduced vulnerability and strengthened resilience of crisis-affected communities in Yemen through the creation of sustainable livelihoods and improving access to basic services.

© Mohammed Hamoud / Anadolu Agency
Overall Objective The overall objective of the programme is to contribute to reduced vulnerability and strengthened resilience of crisis-affected communities in Yemen through the creation of sustainable livelihoods and improving access to basic services.

The ERRY II Programme is implemented in six vulnerable governorates in Yemen: Hajjah, Hodeidah, Lahj, Abyan, Taiz and Sana’a. The project focuses on the most vulnerable such as women, the unemployed, youth, the Muhamasheen, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and vulnerable host communities.


ERRY II will achieve the following outcome: 
• Crisis affected communities are better able to manage local risks and shocks for increased resilience and self-reliance.

Within its 3-year timeframe, the programme will achieve the following outputs: 
• Output 1: Community livelihoods, productive assets and food security are improved to strengthen resilience and self-reliance;
• Output 2: Vulnerable communities benefit from solar energy for sustainable livelihoods opportunities and enhanced social service delivery;
• Output 3: Communities and local authorities have enhanced capacities to respond to conflict- and gender-sensitive needs.

Main activities for ILO contributions under ERRY II:
Output 1.1 of the programme aims to ensure skills are developed and food security is improved for vulnerable farming households. As such, the ILO, in collaboration with FAO, will conduct the following activities: 
• Train rural farmers and rural famer associations on entrepreneurship skills, market information and financial literacy in selected value chains and related sectors to provide effective avenues to upgrade members’ technical and entrepreneurship skills.
• Provide training to women engaged in rural agriculture on business development services, marketing skills, savings schemes, diversification of livelihoods based on ILO/FAO-developed GET Ahead for Women in Enterprise: Training Package and Resource Kit.

Output 1.3 of the programme aims to create sustainable livelihoods opportunities in the post-cash for work phase to support self-employment through entrepreneurship development for vulnerable households and individuals. 
• Strengthen training of the trainers and train business advisors adapting ILO’s Start and Improve Your Business (SiYB) for entrepreneurs in agricultural businesses and viable businesses identified through the local market assessments.
• Finalize and institutionalize adapted MFB & semiliterate packages; at least five national master trainers are certified.

Output 1.4 aims to create sustainable livelihoods opportunities in the post-Cash for Work phase to support employability through on-the-job training. 
• Develop a laddered capacity building package to link cash for work beneficiaries with sustainable economic opportunities.
• Provide competency-based technical skills training to Cash-for-Work beneficiaries interested in wage employment.
• Conduct competency-based assessment and certification of the beneficiaries.
• Link the beneficiaries to jobs through job placement opportunities in collaboration with private sector.
• Provide follow up mentorship training to beneficiaries.

Output 1.5 aims to ensure that private sector capacity is strengthened to contribute to emergency crisis response and job creation. 
• Develop the capacity of the private sector through training and follow up support on participatory business continuity planning at district and governorate levels based on ILO local economic recovery guidelines and global practice
• Reinforce and promote pilot rural small-scale entrepreneurs (SSEs) supported by the programme (milk collectors; women-headed households producing home-processed healthy traditional dairy products, women-headed households with backyard sheep/goat fattening businesses, producers of feed and fodder, coffee producers and sorghum seed producers) with productive assets and training on marketing (FAO, ILO)

Output 2.2 Women and youth play an active role in the provision of solar energy in their communities through solar microenterprises 
• Develop competency-based curricula based on the new and emerging youth- and women-friendly solar technology occupations
• Provide vocational solar skills training to technicians (women and youth) in order for them to play an active role in the provision of solar energy in their communities through solar microenterprises


Achievements to-date through Phase II: (Updated February 2021)
  • Updated and finalized ILO training package “I own a small business,” targeting semiliterate beneficiaries.
  • Conducted Training of Trainers for 68 trainers on the ILO's “I own a small business,” targeting semiliterate beneficiaries.
  • Up to 2,000 individuals benefited from Cash-for-Work activities – through trainings by ILO trainers on ILO business training packages (My First Business and I own a small business).
  • 7 Competency-Based Training curricula were developed in high market demand sectors with potential for job creation.
  • The craftsperson’s training material on learning methodologies, CBT/A and OSH was updated and translated.
  • 320 master craftspersons were trained on learning methodologies, CBT/A and OSH under the apprenticeship scheme.
  • 590 apprentices were trained on life skills, financial literacy and theoretical training in selected occupations followed by on job training at workplaces.
  • 50 individuals were trained to improve their employability skills in solar energy micro-enterprises.
  • 15 participants were trained online on “business continuity planning and resilience”.
  • Needs assessment for cooperatives in agricultural sector was conducted in the target governorates.
Achievements during the first phase of the project: (March 2016 - February 2019)
  • The capacity of 53 master trainers was strengthened and, in turn, master trainers trained 2,693 beneficiaries with the ILO's “My First Business,” (MFB) and “I Too Have a Small Business,” training modules.
  • 600 vulnerable youth and women (44.6 % female) were trained on upgraded informal apprenticeship in 11 priority occupations.
  • 11 Competency Based Training curricula material was developed, implemented as part of upgraded informal apprenticeship programmes, and integrated into the Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training as national curricula.
  • 298 master craftspersons (31% female) were trained in learner-centred pedagogy, CBT and assessment, and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH).
  • OSH material and equipment was delivered to 300 service providers based on the organisational need.
  • 300 toolkits were distributed to the graduate apprentices to facilitate and enhance their employability.