Tripartite Discussion on Normative Stock-taking for Decent Work in Mongolia

This meeting provides an opportunity for the ILO constituents to discuss results of the Normative stock taking exercise for Decent Work within the framework of the ILO project on Promoting Formal Employment for Inclusive and Diversified Economic Growth in Mongolia (MNG/18/01/RBS).

The ILO has commissioned a paper "Normative stock-taking for Decent Work in Mongolia" to set out the context for engaging the ILO's tripartite constituents -- the Government of Mongolia, employers' and workers' organizations -- and development partners and stakeholders in deciding Decent Work priorities that are well informed and anchored in the use and application of international standards. 

This stocktaking is offered to the Government and social partners for their consideration in deciding priorities in the soon to come DWCP, as well as the UNSDCF.

Representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (MLSP), the Confederation of Mongolian Trade Unions (CMTU), the Mongolian Employer's Federation (MONEF), the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia (NHRCM), the National Statistics Office (NSO), UNRCO Mongolia, ILO ROAP RPS, ACTRAV and ACT/EMP and CO-Beijing will attend this meeting.