Collective Labour Relations, Government Policies and Responses Research Seminar

On March 26th, 2016, the Industrial Relations Research Institute at the Renmin University School of Labour and Human Resources, with the support of a number of labour research institutions, academics, and the ILO held a research seminar on "Collective Labour Relations in China and Government Policies and Responses."

The seminar focused on the emergence of collective labour relations in China, in understanding their patterns, and government policies and responses towards them. In particular, the discussion focused on the phenomenon of collective labour disputes, and how the government's policies and responses towards them (which vary from locality to locality, despite broad policy orientation of the central government) shape the overall collective labour relations in China.

The seminar was organised around the findings of a research team coordinated by the Industrial Relations Research Institute. Main presentations covered the following issues:

1) characteristics of collective labour relations and government regulations in China;
2) institutions of collective bargaining and the development government policy; and
3) overview of the government labour policies and regulations.

Six case studies were presented to highlight patterns of collective labour relations and the characteristics and impact of the government policy and responses. The ILO made brief introduction to the "Collective Bargaining: A policy guide" and "Promoting Collective Bargaining: Annotated guide to Convention 154", which were recently translated and printed in Chinese.