Call for 'C190 Champion' videos

Become a C190 Champion and take action to free the world of work from violence and harassment!

Make your voice heard by recording and sharing a short video to help ensure dignity and decent work for all.

News | 14 July 2021
BANGKOK (ILO News) - Violence and harassment in the world of work deprives people of their dignity and is incompatible with decent work.

Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190) (or C190 for short) is the first international treaty to address violence and harassment in the world of work. The Convention was adopted in June 2019 and came into force on 25 June 2021.

The ILO is embarking on a global campaign to build support for the ratification of C190, and invites constituents, stakeholders and civil society actors to get involved. As part of this campaign ILO invites stakeholders to become ‘champions’ and record a short video on any of the areas as follows:
  • to help raise awareness of the need to ratify C190;
  • to highlight the need to take a stand against violence and harassment in the world of work; and
  • to highlight what your organization is doing to fight violence and harassment at work.
Don’t forget that your message can be in any language!

Draft scripts are available which can be used as guidance for video messages as well as technical recommendations for filming with a smart phone.

When you have filmed a message share it on your social media channels with the hashtag #RafityC190. Please also share your message with us (by wetransfer, google drive, drop box etc.) at so we can add it to our champions list below.

Be a C190 champion and make your voice heard!"

C190 Champions