ILO/China Partnership Programme

Project Annual Wrap-up Workshop and Medal Awarding Ceremony

Lao Federation of Trade Union, Lao PDR organized Project Annual Warp-up Workshop and Medal Awarding Ceremony

Lao Federation of Trade Union, Lao PDR organized ILO-China Partnership Project Annual Warp-up Workshop to review activities in 2021-2022 and laid out priorities for 2023.
A total of 29 participants from Lao Federation of Trade Union and representatives of ILO-China Partnership Programme participated in this event.

Representative of LFTU Development Institute reported the results of project activities in the biannual of 2021-2022.  In the course of last two years, active cooperation activities were focused on skills needs assessment for job seekers, returned migrant workers, TOT and job training workshops for carpentry, air conditioner maintenance and electrical installation etc. In collaboration with ILO-China SSTC Programme, the LFTU Development Institute also provided job counselling to trainees and refer them to potential enterprises.
At the Wrap-up and medal awarding ceremony, project team members were awarded  highest National Medal of Lao Federation of Trade Union by H.E Vilai Vongkhaserm, Vice Chairman of Lao Federation of Trade Union, Lao PDR.