Child Labour resources

February 2002

  1. A cursory assessment study on the situation of child labour in the pyrotechnics industry

    Upon ratification of ILO Convention No. 182, a national interagency team was tasked to implement a Time-Bound Programme (TBP) assisted by ILO-IPEC. The conduct of assessment studies forms part of the preparatory activities leading to an initial assessment of the appropriateness and feasibility of including three priority child labour groups for the TBP.

  2. Children's involvement in the production, sale and trafficking of drugs in Cebu City: A rapid assessment

    The investigations on the worst forms of child labour have explored very sensitive areas including illegal, criminal or immoral activities.

January 2002

  1. Children in pa-aling and kubkub fishing expeditions: An assessment report for on the deep-sea and fishing sector studies

    Pa-aling is the local name given to a fishing technology said to replace the once controversial labour intensive but highly profitable commercial fishing venture, the Muro-ami. Muro-ami means a Japanese fishing gear used in reef fishing which consists of a movable bag net and two detachable wings effecting the capture of fish by spreading the net in arc form around reefs or shoals and with the aid of scaring devices, a cordon of fishermen drive the fish from the reefs toward the bag portion of the whole net.

  2. Child labour in the sugar plantations: A cursory assessment

    This paper is a cursory assessment of the child labour that has been operating in the sugar cane plantations. It seeks to expose a wholistic view of such reality so that we could see and understand the interrelationships that constitute it and see what could be done to eradicate it systematically and in a span of time.

  3. Combating trafficking in children and women in the Mekong, SELL: Sharing Experience & Lessons Learned: an ILO-IPEC good practice paper

    Compiles eleven SELL notes: Baseline survey analysis; including Participatory approaches; Holistic approaches; Programme coordination; Inter-agency coordination; Capacity building; Replication and mainstreaming and Legal labour migration alternatives.

  4. Micro-finance interventions: tools to combat the worst forms of child labour, including trafficking

    Provides a tool for the design and implementation of sustainable microfinance interventions, especially on rural areas.

  5. Non-formal education and rural skills training: tools to combat the worst forms of child labour, including trafficking

    Provides guidance on the design and implementation of sustainable non-formal education and rural skills training programmes.

  6. A process-based approach to combat trafficking in children and women: sharing preliminary experiences from an ILO-project in the Mekong Sub-region

    Covers ILO-project combating trafficking in children and women. Includes basic organizational information, general information about the Process Based Approach, evaluation of experiences and achievements to date, conclusions and lessons learnt.

  7. Replication meeting of good experiences to prevent trafficking in children and women in Yunnan Province of China: records of proceedings, Beijing, 31 October - 1 November 2002

    Records of the proceeding of a replication meeting of good experiences to prevent trafficking in children and women in Yunnan Province of China, 2002.

  8. Thailand: child labour in illicit drug activities: a rapid assessment

    Aims at discovering the reasons children get involved in illicit drug activities in Thailand.