ILO Sub-Regional Office for Southern Africa, Harare

Microfinance in Mozambique - Are Donors Promoting Regional Feminisation of Poverty

The paper is one of the background documents prepared in the context of the Study on the Feminisation of Poverty in Mozambique that is being executed by the International Labour Organization’s Southern Africa Multidisciplinary Advisory Team (ILO/SAMAT) in Harare, with funding form the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Maputo. The background documents prepared under the project consist of conceptual and empirical reviews of the literature on gender and poverty in Mozambique, an analysis of existing survey data in the country from the perspective of the feminisation of poverty, and a set of case studies on coping mechanisms of poor women. These were discussed at two workshops held in Maputo on 22 February and in Nampula on 26 February 2001